
Is It Better To Stay In A Relationship That You Feel Miserable In? Or Is It Better To Be Alone?

The term “miserable” is broadened in this context. I’m using “miserable” in terms of feeling emotionally drained in your relationship, feeling unloved, having your needs unmet, constantly fighting, or infidelity. ANY of those described, I have put into the term “miserable” for this context.

You would think that the answer is simple, and people would say it’s better to be alone, but in reality, so many people choose to stay in a relationship and be miserable. Why is that?

Are they staying in the relationship because they love their partner so much to tolerate the misery?

Is it because they have kids together and would rather stay together for convenience?

Is it because they are financially dependent on their partner and can’t take care of themselves financially if they separate?

Is it because they reminisce on the good times and that’s what is holding them together?

For the ones who are staying in a relationship and feeling miserable, are you proving your love by enduring til the end? I understand that all relationships will run into problems, but for these relationships that I’m seeing, what is the last straw? Even when they hit that misery stage, it doesn’t seem to be the last straw so I’m just lost in how I should set my own expectations in my relationship.

I see so many surrounding relationships stay together, but in misery. So, I don’t understand if I’m supposed to be more forgiving in my own relationship and endure regardless of that misery?

I didn’t grow up with an example of what a healthy relationship looks like. So, when I see these surrounding relationships in misery but at least still together, it makes me wonder if that truly is the norm and I should accept that for myself.